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[原创]和昨天相比今天增加或减少的合约 [金字塔]

  • 咨询内容: 期货里有的时候突然有些合约就开始有成交量了, 而有的合约不知何时就没有成交量了.
    作为每日收盘后对当天行情的统计的一部分, 我们也许需要判断:
    (1) 哪些合约昨日没有成交量而今日有非零的成交量;
    (2) 那些合约昨日有非零的成交量而今日的成交量却是零;
    (3) 哪些主力合约今日没有成交.这里主力的定义沿用金字塔的官方认定.
    为实现以上目的, 金字塔vbs代码如下, 以活跃论坛, 给各位看官以福利, 也感谢金字塔多年的使用.
    也许您觉得这是雕虫小技, 但是从每日成交合约的变化, 也许可以未雨绸缪.
    主要是没有用字典---虚拟机里字典会出错, 而是用一些简单的办法绕过而自是写个类似字典的东西;
    再者用ini, 还有vbs的for循环里面不能用if...else if....等等, 无他.


    1 sub myGetTickCmmdt()
    2 Dim marketName, useFuture
    3 Dim fso, outputf, d, d_num, dmain, dmain_num, prefixStockNameCur, suffixStockNameCur, lastPrefix, dirc
    4 useFuture = 1
    6 if useFuture = 1 then
    7     marketName=Array("SQ","DQ","ZQ","ZJ")
    8 end if
    9 NameFolder = year(date)*10000 + month(date)*100 + day(date)
    10 Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    11 Set d = CreateObject("Stock.ArrayString")
    12 Set d_num = CreateObject("Stock.Array")    
    13 Set dmain = CreateObject("Stock.ArrayString")
    14 Set dmain_num = CreateObject("Stock.Array")    
    15 dirc = "C:\Users\ui\Stock.ini"
    16 lastPrefix = " "
    17 msgbox "hi"
    19 For j=0 To UBound(marketName)
    20 n = marketData.GetReportCount(marketName(j))
    22 outputf_0 = "C:\Users\ui\Downloads\jk\"&NameFolder&"\"&marketName(j)& "\"
    24 For i=0 To n-1
    25 Set reportData = marketdata.GetReportDataByIndex(marketName(j),i)                                
    26      IF useFuture = 1 then
    27 parseStockName reportData.label, prefixStockNameCur, suffixStockNameCur
    29 IF suffixStockNameCur>="00" and suffixStockNameCur<="99" and reportData.Volume <= 0 THEN
    30 aligning reportData.label, 0, d, d_num
    31 IF suffixStockNameCur = "00" THEN
    32 aligning reportData.label, 0, dmain, dmain_num     
    33 END IF
    34 END IF
    35 IF suffixStockNameCur>="00" and suffixStockNameCur<="99" and reportData.Volume > 0 THEN
    36 aligning reportData.label, reportData.Volume, d, d_num
    37 IF suffixStockNameCur = "00" THEN
    38 aligning reportData.label, reportData.Volume, dmain, dmain_num
    39 END IF
    41 IF lastPrefix <> prefixStockNameCur THEN
    42 lastPrefix = prefixStockNameCur             
    43 END IF         
    44 End If
    45 end if
    46 Next
    47 Next    
    49 IF 1 = useFuture Then
    50 'checkPrefixSuffix d, d_num
    51 checkLabel d, d_num, dmain, dmain_num, marketName, dirc
    52 END IF
    53 set fso = Nothing
    54 set d = Nothing
    55 set d_num = Nothing
    56 set dmain = Nothing
    57 set dmain_num = Nothing
    58 end sub
    61 Sub checkLabel(ByRef dq, ByRef dq_num, ByRef dm, ByRef dm_num, mktName, dirc)
    62 Dim newContracts, justLosingContracts, newContracts_num, justLosingContracts_num
    63 SET newContracts = CreateObject("Stock.ArrayString")
    64 SET justLosingContracts = CreateObject("Stock.ArrayString")
    65 SET newContracts_num = CreateObject("Stock.Array")
    66 SET justLosingContracts_num = CreateObject("Stock.Array")
    68 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    69 Set f = fs.GetFile(dirc)
    70 tmp_ = dirc&".0"
    71 application.MsgOut tmp_
    72 f.Copy tmp_
    73 set f = Nothing
    74 set fs = Nothing
    76 For j = 0 To dq.count - 1
    77 label = dq.Getat(j)
    78     statPre = Document.GetPrivateProfileInt("MyCpp", label, -1, dirc)
    79 IF statPre = -1 THEN
    80 msgbox "failed to fetch_from_ini for " & label
    81 application.MsgOut "failed to fetch_from_ini for " & label
    82 EXIT SUB
    83 END IF
    85 statNow = dq_num.Getat(j)
    86 IF statPre = 0 and statNow <> 0 THEN
    87 newContracts.addBack(label)
    88 newContracts_num.addBack(statNow)
    89 tmp = Document.WritePrivateProfileInt("MyCpp", label, 1, dirc)
    90 END IF
    91 IF statPre <> 0 and statNow = 0 THEN
    92 justLosingContracts.addBack(label)
    93 justLosingContracts_num.addBack(statPre)
    94 tmp = Document.WritePrivateProfileInt("MyCpp", label, 0, dirc)
    95 END IF
    96 NEXT
    98 For i = 0 To dm.count - 1
    99 if 0 = dm_num.getat(i) THEN
    100 application.MsgOut "MISSING Main: " & dm.getat(i)
    101 END IF
    102 NEXT
    104 printStockarraystring newContracts, newContracts_num, "newContracts"
    105 printStockarraystring justLosingContracts, justLosingContracts_num, "justLosingContracts"
    106 SET newContracts = Nothing
    107 SET justLosingContracts = Nothing
    108 SET newContracts_num = Nothing
    109 SET justLosingContracts_num = Nothing
    110 End Sub
    112 Sub printStockarraystring(ByRef arraytoprint, ByRef array_num, names)
    113 For i = 0 To arraytoprint.count - 1
    114 application.MsgOut names & ":" & arraytoprint.GetAt(i) & "|" & array_num.GetAt(i)
    115 NEXT
    116 END Sub
    118 sub aligning(label, int_num, ByRef d, ByRef d_num)
    119 d.AddBack(label)
    120 int_a = CLng(int_num)
    121 d_num.addback(int_a)    
    122 end sub
    124 sub parseStockName(label, ByRef prefixStockName, ByRef suffixStockName)
    125 select case len(label)
    126 case 4
    127 prefixStockName=left(label,2)
    128 case 3
    129 prefixStockName=left(label,1)
    130 case 5
    131 prefixStockName=left(label,3)
    132 case else
    133 application.MsgOut "wrong future label " & label
    134 msgbox "wrong future label " & label
    135 end select
    136 suffixStockName=right(label,2)
    137 end sub
    139 Sub checkPrefixSuffix(ByRef dq, ByRef dq_num)
    140 Dim tmp_prefix_last, tmp_label, tmp_suffix_last, tmp_prefix, tmp_suffix
    141 Dim tmp_array
    142 tmp_prefix_last = " "
    143 tmp_suffix_last = "00"
    144 Set tmp_array = CreateObject("Stock.ArrayString")
    146 For j = 0 To dq.count - 1    
    147 IF 0 <> dq_num.getat(j) THEN
    148 tmp_array.addback dq.getat(j)
    149 END IF
    150 NEXT
    151 tmp_array.Sort(0)
    153 For i = 0 To tmp_array.count - 1    
    154 tmp_label = tmp_array.GetAt(i)
    155 parseStockName tmp_label, tmp_prefix, tmp_suffix        
    157 If tmp_prefix_last <> tmp_prefix Then
    158      IF "00" <> tmp_suffix_last THEN
    159 application.MsgOut "ODD: prefix:" & tmp_prefix_last & " suffix:" & tmp_suffix_last
    160 END IF
    161 tmp_suffix_last = tmp_suffix
    162 tmp_prefix_last = tmp_prefix                
    163 ELSE
    164 IF tmp_suffix < tmp_suffix_last THEN
    165 tmp_suffix_last = tmp_suffix
    166 END IF
    167 End If            
    168 Next        
    170 IF "00" <> tmp_suffix_last THEN
    171 application.MsgOut "ODD SUFFIX " & tmp_prefix_last & " " & tmp_suffix_last
    172 END IF
    174 set tmp_array = Nothing    
    175 End Sub


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